I was really excited to review The Future Door ( No Place Like Holmes volume 2) by Jason Lethcoe. I really enjoyed the first book No place like Holmes. The Future Door is about a boy named Griffin and his uncle Rupert Snodgrass. They make a great team with Rupert's inventions, and Griffin's Sharp eyes. Griffin is staying with his uncle in London for the summer, in the year of 1903. Rupert, (Griffin's uncle) has been working on a machine that you can travel with in past, present, and future; while Griffin goes back home with his uncle to visit his mother and father. While they are there Griffin looks at his Uncle's book of inventions and discovers the time machine. When they return to London Griffin's uncle shows the time machine to him; it is shaped like a teapot. But soon after they return the time machine is stolen and Griffin and his uncle Rupert watch the future fall into pieces. Will they be able to save the world? This question was the biggest that I was wondering throughout the book. I thought the ending of the book was not as good. It was kind of confusing. I really enjoyed the short mini mysteries in the back of the book. I also enjoyed the parts where Griffin relied on God to help them through the tough times.
BookSneeze® provided me with a free copy of this book.
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